Monday, February 28, 2011

Awesome new 'The Amazing Spider-man' costume picture

The film is said to be shot in full 3D... which is meh. It is set to release July 3, 2012.

Confirmed Cast:  Andrew Garfield
                                   Emma Stone
                                   Rhys Ifans 
                                   Denis Leary
                                   Campbell Scott
                                   Irrfan Khan
                                   Martin Sheen 
                                   Sally Field

Director: Marc Webb

The official site is


  1. I dont see what is so special with the costume.

  2. i wanna see the new movie! thanks for letting me know its coming out!

  3. looks soo sick, let us know how its comming!

  4. The new costume looks cool, seems to be a little "darker" then tho old spiderman movies but may just be the lighting

  5. For a second I thought it said "Charlie Sheen" in cast. I was like YEA RIGHT lol.

    charlie sheen rocks@!

  6. Wow, the 3-D version looks awesome!

  7. Thanks for the info and all... but I didnt like the last Spiderman movies, is this going to be anything like them? Sure, the Spiderman is going to be there, but I'd love a darker overall theme...

  8. If you can't make it good, at least make it 3D. We'll see how it turns out.
